Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fenix Room // East coast lagoon

Hello... totally lost all motivation to blog, it suddenly occurred to me that it is redundant or unnecessary  to document my life anymore. But the photos in my phone are piling up, so here'e s a post! My pics are really half hearted. Pls forgive me.

Last Saturday was spent at Fenix Room with 40 botttles of moet. 
Apparently getting a table is too main stream. We had a bath tub instead. 

 Life sized bath tub i'm talking about~~

If you don't drink from a newly opened bottle of champagne, chances are likely that the champagne in your glass is spiked with belvedere. So sick. It's been a long tim since I slept on the sofa, and that night was it! So tired. 

Oh, on Monday was my last day at the boyfriend's place! He surprised me a yogurt cake that we've both been wanting to cry. It's basically just ultra frozen yogurt. But yummy nonetheless. 
Cake without guilt! Love it! 

We were super hungry that day i can't remember why we didn't have dinner but instead decided to have supper after work! He brought me to East Coast Lagoon! :D 
It's like Newton Food Centre with many stores selling BBQ stingray, lala, clams, and all the typical hawker food! J doesn't eat wanton noodles, but he likes the one from here, so of course I have to try it. It was really yummy!!!
I finished my whole plate! We also had chicken wings and BBQ stingray. It was a feast, and his treat hehe!
Felt really satisfied and blessed that day. I love simple days like that.  


I spent my entire week visiting Town every single day to run errands and to look for a dress to wear for my baby's elder brother's wedding!! Super happy i was invited haha. It feels like an unspoken stamp of approval or something. Lol. 

Also collected my cert. Can't believe this piece of paper is what determines my future is gonna be.
Kinda sick thinking about how scary it is to grow up. 

This was another day of shopping lol. I really walk from Plaza Sing to Taka, to Wisma, to Paragon, to Ion, to FEP almost every day. So shag. 


The wedding is on Saturday so I was freaking out that I still couldn't find a nice dress. 
I went into almost every shop at FEP. By the time I reach home every day I can barely feel my legs anymore lol. 
I chose this mermaid bandage dress in the end! I freaking love it. Super flattering cutting! The pictures totally do not do justice to the dress!!! The back has a high slit which I specially altered it to be. Can't wait for someone to get married now lol so I can wear it again haha. But i think the next wedding will probably be a few years down the road. Sobs. 

Also met Josh on Weds. It was our first time at Plaza Sing together I think?? Hahaha. 
I super love it when we have time to walk around in time because it doesn't come often.
Just being fat together :)

We had dinner at Nanbantei after and caught transformers in 3d!
The show was too long already man. i sit until my backside numb lol. 


Went back to Town ( again ) to collect my dress and to shop for other clothes. I also made the biggest purchase of my life on that day. It was already Thursday and I still haven't found a bag?
It is obvious that I have had one bag on my mind all along... and since I know i'm gonna get it one day, may as well get it before the rise in price?? Furthermore the black is eternally OOS. It was a sign and fate for me to buy it. Plus i've been thinking about it for DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS. 
May as well..
Didn't manage to take a nicer pic of it because i was rushing home to get ready to head out and i wanted to use the bag on the spot already!

Whee. I forsee myself using it to death now. Even the bf thinks its a great buy. Like he actually admires he. He is so cute. 

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