Friday, June 24, 2011

Hi~~~ You know. I really think I haven't been blogging because it's bad. You know how people always say " it's my blog, my own personal space, I can write whatever I like" but it's not true. It's a public platform where everyone can view it. Inevitably, people will misunderstand your intentions. And today, I realised miscommunication/ misreading is the root of all problems.

Let's say I always cook or prepare food for my friends when we work together. You know how some people feel very happy like " YAY! FOOD! " or can save money on food etc. But sometimes... people will just be like " she always prepare food for me don't know whether is it she wants to make me fatter than her" SEEEE. Good intentions must become bad intentions? Why must people always think of the bad side. Why can't people genuinely be nice. I really don't know. I'm guilty of it myself.

Another example. Maybe I was just making a comment in general, but people assume it's about them, and shoot me back in the obvious-but-not-so-obvious-way, then come say " I'm also nt talking about you, you guilty is it? " zzzzz.  Am I supposed to lose a friend because of this.. Damn lame.

It's like.... I realised, intentions are always misread. Someone once asked me " wow , what did you do your eyes", I actually replied " err why, how does that affect you?" , and the person answered " I'm only asking you because your eyes are bigger and nicer today". Another example. I was asked to sit in a trolley for fun when I went to the supermarket and immediately, I ASSUMED that the person was trying to reminisce some shit by asking me to sit in the trolley.

Assumption is a very bad thing ok. It's deadly. I swear. ... :(

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