Saturday, September 3, 2011


So this is the world we are living in now:

This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I were born in other age.
(credits: Tumblr)

Pretty sad I would say..... Really hate how technology has invariably changed our lives. I mean seriously, I could do without a Blackberry, Itouch, or a Macbook. That is if you transport me back to the past and live at that era. But we NEED those gadgets now because this is what the present is. And it's so lame.... Why must everything be digitalised. Ok I'm happy I can go to within seconds and it will answer all my questions and interpret all my dreams ~ But honestly, they are unnecessary. I'm just pissed off with the whole learning system, because I hate learninng/ studying from power point slides. I much prefer chalk boards, white boards or those OHPs and transparencies . I finally figured that the reason why I'm having so much trouble paying attention in class is because the professors keep jumping slides... For example, "referring to slide 5.." , " from slide 7 we can see that...", " now if you recall in slide 3 we found that...". Recall what laaa. Let you teach until giddy already. No matter how much attention I pay, I WILL get lost ultimately. Then what's the point of paying attention in the first place? I like it that teachers can easily draw arrows and show us that "from step one, we add an alkene to get...." You know, like you can really see how everything is linked and the big picture is soooo clear. Now? Meh~ You're expected to know like everything. There is no way that you can ask a question without the fear of appearing stupid or being judged.  ( Yes, I hear you. If I don't judge people when they class part aggressively, I wouldn't have to worry about being judged. BUT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO JUDGE SERIOUSLY, if you've been to SMU you'd know. )

So this is bascially what I am taught ( I typed "what I learnt" and backspaced because I didn't learn anything, I don't know anything!) in the module which I have been complaining a lot about.

HAHAH. YAR. I STUN. Like. Where do I start......? * raise eyebrows* I will never apply for a job that requires me to do such shit so why can't I just skip it. Urgh.

Don't know what the world is evolving to. How can there be songs like " I just had sex~~ " Urgh. So gross. And... I happened to chance across this person's blog and I had a shock of my life. 16 and clubbing and drinking and smoking ? God. When I was 16 I was eat sleep breathing hockey and busy being a good student. I don't even think I went out at night? HAHA. Don't think most my friends did either? It's so scary. And today I was teaching my tutee Math and the question went like " the cost of 5 balls is $5.80..." not long after he started chuckling to himself... I'm like "What? Is there something on my face? What are you laughing at!! " Then he refused to say until the end he told me his friend told him a pervertic joke yesterday, and he got reminded of it when he saw the word balls. Har har har? I think the closest word I've been exposed to which is used to describe a  dick is "banana". -.- Do primary school kids watch porn? DAMN SCARY.

Kids like these scare me so bad, I don't ever want to give birth man. 

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