Friday, November 22, 2013

The Bakery Chef// Cake Spade // Restore

Met Sijia on Thursday !! We went cafe hopping !
First stop was at The Bakery Chef which just opened a week ago.
We went there because her sister is working there as the barista haha.
It's located at 116 Bukit Merah Central , and although there's nothing really wow about the place, it is pretty cosy ( Read: cramp ) when there are more people in the shop, and prices are quite pocket-friendly ! We had his bread pudding for like $3.80/$4.80, can't remember. 
Nice, but nothing life changing.. or worth a visit. But if you're around the area, no harm right!

We went to Cake Spade after that. It is owned by my sister's friend! Super cool. I always wanted to start some thing like that, but of course I do not have skills anywhere close to hers. efore she started Cake Spade, I am forever liking her  facebook album for her creations. She even went Paris ( i thinkn)  to learn how to bake! #respect

We had the blueberry white tea. ($3.90) Doesn't it already sound super pleasant!! I told Sijia it tastes like Snapple and Sijia said " minus the gas". I was like "no?! Snapple is not a fizzy drink." Pls tell me I'm right. It isn't right? Anyway!!  We liked the cake ($5.90)  and the drink. The cake was quite yummy. There were so many choices but we both agreed unanimously on the strawberry tofu cheesecake because it looks so enticing!

Even though the space was even smaller than The Bakery Chef, the both of us sat there for hours. We got into a really depressing topic on how-to-find-a-job. *cries* but we soon got over it because it is precisely that we are both jobless that we get to come out to drink tea and eat cake on a Thursday afternoon lol.

Just across the road from Cake Spade is a lifestyle store called Restore. I knew about this shop really long ago when the cafe hype just started, but didn't add it into my to-go list because it's just a concept store with nothing special.. and I am not drawn to furnitures.
But since we were there, we went ahead anyway.

We decided on the waffles and berries  with fresh cream. ($9.80)
When it arrived both of us totally side eyes each other at the same time

 And if you watch two broke girls. you will know. " I can't.. I just can't"

This is like $10 ? 2 quarters of a standard size waffle for $10!! Lol is this a joke. That makes it about $5 for a quarter.  Am I eating flour or am I eating gold!!
If you think about it, if you want the entire waffle. it's  $20!?!?!? SIMI SAI.

Unless you are Dean and Deluca you do not sell waffles at $20 , and even D&D serve 3 slices of it!!! With LOADS of ingredients! Omg I just googled, it is 4 slices!! With mountains of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries!! LOOK AT THIS CHRISTMAS TREE OF WAFFLES!!! Now this for $20 is totally justified.

Now look at this again


The service wasn't bad or what but I just feel very ridiculous. I mean... Strangers' reunion and Wimbly Lu, serve way better waffles, and they are only about half the price of this. Plus, this waffle wasn't even nice. -.-

Ok rant over. Overall it was a lovely day. We went for beer at this place called Sque at Clark Quay after that. They serve 1 for 1 draught beers from 5pm to 7pm and 9pm to 11pm!
So it's about $8 for a full pint! CHEAP!! 

Speaking of cheap things... Can you all help me clear my wardrobe. T_T
I want to revamp my room haha or get a new cupboard at least, but first I have to clear all these clothes that I no longer wear!!

I really have too much clothes.


part of my wardrobe

extra stand because not enough space for wardrobe

And the stack of clothes I have alr cleared out before taking photos of my other clothes

Another drawer of basics

Another drawer of basics. I can have like 5 black racer back top in different material. I have 4 racer back of the same material different colours.I have 2 spag top of the same design same colour but different lengths. OMG. SOMEBODY PLS HELP ME

And the grey thing u see on the left if a stack of long pants which I don't even wear because i don't wear pants anymore Y_Y

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