Thursday, February 27, 2014

Little date

I headed over to Katong just now to meet J for dinner. His working hours are not the typical 9-5. In fact he works till 10pm daily, so we practically don't have any time to meet during weekdays at all :( 
I am also packed with doing CIP, project meetings, and giving tuitions everyday so I can't travel down to meet him for dinner as often as I would like to... Finally squeezed out the time during this recess week to find him... Any project meetings or appointments I had, I pushed them away... Really treasure the time spent with him. Been a while since we had a one-on-one dinner together.
Missing him so much now.

 After tuiton, I decided to go get Tauhuay tarts ( Imagine egg tarts but replace the egg custard with beancurd.. yummm! ) for him and his colleagues because I didn't want to go up empty handed!! The first time I had it I fell in love! It's super yummy when eaten chilled. 

I walked all the way there from SMU because I didn't know how to reach the place. I only vaguely know where the shop is located, and almost gave up collecting these when google maps told me it was near bugis. But then it was 1km away, so I decided I'll just walk lor.

Ended up with blisters on both sides from all that walking T_T 

When I arrived, he still had work to do, so I took a walk.. but my feet was damn painful so I settled down for my favourite macaron while waiting for him ^^ Haven't had this little piece of heaven since forever!!! 

Then we rushed to have out dinner at Jai Thai! I love Jai Thai, and I always frequent the branch at Prinsep Street whenever I need to satisfy my thai food craving. There's also a branch at East Coast Road, so we went there! That food will always remind me of him because the best thai food I had was from the BKK trip we went together.  :)

Every thing was soooo good. I love it! I love thai food even though I always only order these 3 items haha. His papa came to pick us up after. Such a short date together but happy I got to see him!
Yesterday, Hanwei, Emelia and I had dinner at Chinatown and he dropped by to join us for dinner ^^

Will survive on these little dates till Mid March. Something exciting coming up!

Just watched an upsetting video on Facebook about how a couple's life changed after the guy got knocked down by a drunk driver. But still, the girlfriend was there through his coma, and rehab.. 
That is really true love. 
No matter how happy a person makes you, a person who leaves you when you are in need is probably not the one you need in your life. 
I guess it really isn't all about the " you make me so happy" ,  "we had such a great time" but more of who will be there for you to lend you an arm when you have fallen to your lowest. 
If you have faith that your partner will be there for you if you were to (choy) get into such a major accident like this, then please treasure them ok ? 

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