Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My first yacht trip!!

As most of you would have already known, I went on a yacht trip last Sunday. 
It was super fun, all of us enjoyed ourselves thoroughly hehe. 
Josh's friend, Richard, owns the boat and invited us over. He lives in his boat every weekend, how lovely. He said he is sick of the food at prive because he has it every weekend. 
Shiok much? 

Keppel is really beautiful. 

I was the first to reach. I wasn't intending on being the enthu spider, I just didn't want to be the burden and have everyone waiting for me! Richard saw me waiting outside so he invited me to join him at Prive for a cuppa coffee~~~

Waited for everyone to arrive and it was time to board the boat and set sail! 

The bed room which looks so cosy. The top of the roof can be opened, so you actually go star gazing at night... or have some sexy time under the stars. Haha.. it's honestly quite romantic.

Like a boss hahaha. 

Guess who he was taking picture for? 

This mario act one captain.

 Then after mario left it was J's turn to act captain

Then it was my turn hahahaha.

Richard has a toy furby. I was kinda surprised I mean I didn't know men play with such things.  Guess every guy has an inner kid in them.


Love this picture!!!!!! We look pretty good together right!

Josh was my personal photographer that day. Didn't know he took so many photos of me till he sent it to me! Hehehe. I don't even have a chance to take a natural shot of him because he will be posing the moment he sees that i'm on my phone hahaha. He is really adorable..

We all brought food ! Xueting's cousin bought mcmuffins, I brought the beehoon and Josh brought the curry ( to complement me hehe, and a lot of alcohol )  mario cooked fried chicken, and made a mashed potato with broccoli which was quite good! I've never thought of mixing those two up before! 
Richard bought the salads from Sumo Salad and Denise and Andrew brought beer and chips!
Come to think of it hor... only that Xueting never contribute hahaha. but we had more than enough food because we were full from all that drinks. Before we set off, Mario already had 3 cans of beer, she's damn impatient. 

We told her to quit her job and sell her chicken wings outside Zouk and Butter because they were so tasty!

This mario want to take picture with girls. That's Xueting's cousin, xueting's cousin's friend, and xueting. 
Also want to take picture with the guys. tsktsktsk
J and the twins!! 

This is a very shag Andy from hardcore night on Friday at Fenix, then he went to Zouk on Saturday and to this yacht party on Sunday. I think he really felt so drained. His expression says it all.

The captain of the boat wanted a shot with the girls 

Look at this slut seducing my boyfriend haha 
 His pacs *_*
 My first individual shot with Denise!! 

Xueting can't swim so she needs the life vest hahahahahahha. She looks like a child right.

Then took a stroll to the beach!

I am a great photographer

Then he took it for me, and ever since then I had two bottles of beer to myself

 And mario had two coconuts HAHAHA

This Andrew is super playful and full of energy. You'll see later in most of the pictures he was jumping around

After that shot above he pulled her down into the water omg

He was so quiet that day everyone kept asking him if he was alright. Haha, what was he doing..

Haha you see, ever since I met this group of friends, every time we take picture, it's modeling time.

Hehe natural shots are so much cuter. Somebody " hung flower" on Mario that day. You know how people hang flowers for those girls on stage in thai club? Haha. Mario got a taste of it. But she had seaweed instead HAHA. she's cray

This could have been a really awwww-worthy picture but just look at that spoiler mario. HAHA. 
She's really very irritating !!! Love her for being so entertaining. She reminds me of the little scout boy in UP. The coconut in her left hand and an oar she picked up on her right. 

Posting again because me likey this picture

I don't know wtf these two were doing it just looks wrong on so many levels. I don't know where I was rowing the float to because the float was tied to the boat HAHA

This bitch mario

Andy has fallen into the water lol

Just look at this hyper active kid! Xueting totally never give chance just push him away

Tralala~ Just casually jogging on the float


We were all so happy !!! ^^

Thank you for bringing me along babycake.

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