Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ivin's @ Binjai Park

Been meeting up with J the past few days because he has been a bit more free !
He came to pick me up for dinner yesterday and I had my virgin experience at Peranakan food!! 
We went to Ivin's at Binjai Park. 
I quite like the food there! I foresee myself bugging him to bring me there again. Haha. 

Portions are small so you can order many different dishes. Think curry rice or teochew porridge. 
Sambal sotong ( $6) This was ok. The chili was nice but it's so expensive for such a small portion! 

We also had spinach with fried garlic and two types of curry. One with coconut and the other one is more asam. Both were tasty but I think i prefer the asam one better because i felt that the chicken was cooked separately from the coconut curry and just thrown into the gravy, meaning the chicken lacked flavour on its own! 
I found the chicken in the asam one more flavourful~ 

Each small pot of curry costs $5.80  and the vegetable was $4.90! We shared a bowl of pulu hitum after dinner. I need to end my every meal on a sweet note haha. I just need sugar in me. 
Total bill came up to about $28 for all the above we had. 
I've never had Peranakan food before so this meal was decent and satisfying for me!
But if you're someone who always has home cooked traditional Peranakan food then please don't take my word for it! I've read other reviews that say the food isn't very authentic. 
I don't know, to each his own!

Long time no OOTD!! 
Didn't get to see J today so I sent this to him lol. 
Home after an incredibly long day. #$%$^%&%^
Now still gotta carry on doing my part for the project sigh.
Hope all of you had a good mid week!

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