Sunday, March 9, 2014

La Cantina in Venezia // Brussel Sprout at Big Splash

J brought me to La Cantina in Venezia at Changi Hotel!! 
He insisted on bringing me there even though there wasn't an occassion. 
I, on the other hand, felt bad for splurging on a normal dinner date, but that sweetheart said it was my " birthday" HAHA. So suddenly it was my birthday!!! woohoo!!
I'm really lucky :)
He brought me there because I told him I've been wanting to go there for damn long already, and it is apparently the best chilli crab pasta (  the one that Xiaxue raves about! ) He is so sweet. :)

So we obviously went there with the sole purpose to let me try the chilli crab pasta before I die.

The pasta was cooked in a tomato cream sauce which I find too heavy for the palate. I definitely cannot finish this all by myself! 
Look at the generous chunks of crabmeat, we had so much joy picking the remaining crab meat out from the sauce when we were done eating. I'm a crab meat linguine fan, and have tried many versions of it, this is the first place I've been to that serves CHUNKS of crabmeat. 
Most restaurants shred the crabmeat up and mix it with the sauce which I personally find the crab meat to be barely discernible. So this was really tasty and hearty to eat! 

But of course, what you pay is what you get, right? Haha. This came at a relatively high price!
This was $30+ after tax and service charge. 

Having that said, I definitely wouldn't travel all the way here just for this plate of pasta. 
It wasn't out of the world. And it tasted more like Mac and Cheese than a tomato cream base to me. 

Since we only wanted to try the crab meat linguine, I suggested we have round 2 of dinner at Brussel Sprouts at Big Splash!! That place is kinda big. And you get to sit outdoors, facing the park and the beach, it was kind of romantic!  But my boyfriend said there are a lot of mosquitos outside so we sat indoors haha. We had two starter size pots of mussels, cooked in Poulette ( cream based - chicken stock, cream, butter, mushrooms ) And another one in white wine which I thought was super meh.. and not nice at all. The both of us loved the Poulette!! This is our 3rd time at Brussel Sprouts ( we seldom repeat restaurants ) we must really like the place and food.  
Every order of mussels comes with free flow fries HOYEAH. 
We have never managed to finish our first bucket of fries anyway.  

Oh, I later found out that there's a promotion which you can get get 2 pots of starter size mussels at $30!! The original price is $20 per pot. I felt so cheated because I think we ordered at around 945?
DAMN. No one told us! I think this promotion is also valid from 3pm to 5pm if I'm not wrong!

Stayed home on Friday and cooked dinner for myself. I am on a pasta roll. I love pastas!!!

Mommy came home with some happy food

And on Saturday, J came over because I didn't feel like going out. 
We went to dapao food back home to eat. Dinner was sooo satisfying! 
I don't know if it's the company or what, but everything tasted so awesome yesterday. 

We had Stingray, Fish and Chips, Char Kway Teow and chicken wings while we watch modern family. Could live for days like this. So love. 

He's going overseas for 4 days and my heart hurts now :'(
It's been almost 1 year 6 months, and I still get the sad feeling every time we part. 
To the extent that sometimes tears well up in my eyes, even though it was just parting after a long day together. 
He probably thinks I'm crazy, I just wish I am less weak for him. 

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