Monday, May 19, 2014

4th to 10th May

If you've wondered why I haven't been updating my blog, that's because my Macbook died on me!
I just went to repair it, and even though i'm $200 broker i'm so happy I didn't have to fork out another $1k to purchase a new laptop heehee. 

Anyway these are the visuals from the past weeks, my memory hasn't been all that good recently. 
Made a cottage pie because I was craving for it. All finished in one day!! 

And because I have Mozzarella cheese on hand, I've been adding it in all my food. I love mozzarella!!
This is a shrooms and cheese melts I made. Lol. Can't believe I even came up with a name for it.

I think this was... Wednesday? J surprised me at my place and brought me out for supper!! :) It's really sweet to know that he was thinking of me and wanted to see me despite a long day at work. Makes me a super happy and grateful girl! I brought him to try my favourite fish soup at Jalan Membina hehe.

Spent some time with my mom on Friday, we came across this korean fried chicken store at Plaza Sing's basement that sells deep fried chicken cubes in different kinds of dressing. We went with the sweet and spicy.. it was really goood!!! 

Met up with J at night and we went to Robertson Quay to chill and have mussels.
Hehe, this is the 4th time at Brussel Sprout for us!! We really really dig the mussels here they are so good! Please go and eat the Poulet broth if you haven't tried ok. We had both pots of Poulet so that says a lot about how much we love it. And free flow fries ( which i've never got the chance and stomach to refill ) !! Oh, did you know that orange mussels are female?? I didn't know until the other day! I totally prefer the white ones. The orange ones are kinda fishy imo. 

Went to Cash Studio after that. So while we were there, I received several individual email from each module with my grades on it. Wah damn sian. Like omfg. Reality is knocking at my door now how do I escape. I was contemplating to open it because my weekends would be so ruined if I screwed up my results. 
And plus I didn't want to throw a black face or be emo about it.
But I decided to open them anyway.
So as I open them mails, one mod by one mod I check, ok pass, pass, pass, phew. 
The mod that I was the least  confident about was the last email! Corporate Finance!! 

And when I opened it 

Hahaha... I pass????

Omg I freaking passed !!! Just wanna stand up and do some aggressive dancing lol. haha i kid.

Sooo happy!!
I PASSED EVERY SHIT which in other words mean

The next day, we had a BBQ and house party session at the twin's house. J insisted on bringing sotong to grill because he is in this crazy sotong phase. 
Him being the man and clearing the sotongs stomach ahmygad. Look at all the semi digested baby fish. YIKES!

The sotong boy

End product. Super yummy. Every one was waiting for it. This was the highlight of the night to me!!

 Group selfie which is awfully pixelated haha

This girl, just kept forcing mario to drink. Like keep...

We had so much to drink!! I was gulping down shots of chocolate liquor with whipped cream, yummm! How can alcohol taste this good. 

This freaking drunkard. They poured belvedere into a naval and squeezed whipped cream over it lol. 

 People play last man standing, this guy ownself play first man sleeping. Suddenly MIA , and we found him sleeping in the guest room lol. 

With Xueting, Valencia, Zoey

Every body just eat, drink, be fat and die together

Next day, I had dinner with my family to celebrate mothers' day.
We had dinner at Lao Beijing ! 

Cereal prawns

Herbal duck

Marmite Chicken

Seafood fried rice

Sliced cod fish

Dinner was so yummy and fulfilling! 
 The next day I made a lasagne lol. 

Eating non stop recently ahmygad


Adeline Ng said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!! :-) hahahaha

Weizhen Teh said...

Thank you sweetheart <3