Monday, May 5, 2014

Shakespeare in the Park // Carousel at Royal Plaza

Had a relatively healthy weekend last week! 
It was a no club Friday which I love haha. I really can't take clubbing so frequently anymore.
What's better is that Denise and Andrew are also tired of clubbing so regularly so hehe, I hope we can do more of such non clubbing activities together. 
It feels really nice. 
But then again.. people who are still clubbing hardcore are obviously the people who are not ready to settle down.. so i don't know if it's a good thing that i am tired of clubbing since that would mean i am looking to settle down? But perhaps I'm just old and sick of  these superficial attention. Hopefully the latter. Can't figure myself out. 

Anyway, So Friday.. J and I met up with Andrew and Denise, and my friend, Charmaine joined us for Shisha. So it was super cool because I got to hang out with J and Charmaine at the same time and J got to hang out with his friends. 
A bucket of 8 bottles of beer is only $39.90 at Nabins! Cheap!!
I used to dislike Shisha but I think I'm growing to like how relaxing it is. 

After Charmaine left, the four of us went over to Swee Choon for supper :) Have been wanting to go there for a while already. We wanted something light but ended up over ordering lol

Some more got soup. Never knew people order soup at Swee choon, but it was really tasty. 

Dragged myself to the gym the next day because I've been eating so much more recently.

Then, came home and got ready for Shakespeare in the Park at Fort Canning!!
I was so excited for it because I can unleash my inner lit geek, but it was a pity I didn't get to finish reading the play before I watched it. 
I've never caught any shakespeare play before so I didn't know what to expect!
 I was only prepared for the insane humid weather, plus a lot of mosquitoes!!

 We had a little picnic too. Have I mentioned that I love picnics? 
J made the pizza!!! I love his pizzas! 
We had so much to eat!! Even had wine, grapes, cheese and cracker. Super got feel lol. 

Denise & Andrew. Every time I see her, I like her more. I think she's that kind of person that the more you see her, the prettier she looks, and the kinder she is. Idk why, it just grows on you. 

With my BabyCake. ( I even brought a cushion for him lol )

Jermine, Angelynn and Andy were there too!! 

Group shot ^^

The play started at 7.35pm and ended at 10.15pm. There was also a 15 mins intermission in between which means the lights were on and I could continue eating hahahhaha. But anyway, the play was alright I guess, since I wasn't expecting much. It was quite humorous too, and kinda modern since there was the use of ipads and stuff. It was worth an experience though!

Went home to change and Butter after that. The twins were so drunk just check out their stone faces.
My sister was there.. and needless to say she was drunk too.. i've never seen her sober at clubs before. 

See.. my drunk sister

Today, we had a belated birthday celebration for my mom. It was her birthday last week but my sister was overseas, so we celebrated it this week instead! 
We had dinner at Carousel ! The reviews were pretty good and I immediately made a reservation when I realised that they serve lobsters!! The other buffets which I checked mostly only have Clams, Scallops, Mussels and Prawns. 

Lobster and Scallop

And oysters

Mussels and prawns

And this was only their cold seafood section. They also have other shell fish like gong gong. 
We requested for our lobsters to be done the teppanyaki way, and the chefs kindly obliged. 
It was so yummy i loved the scallops!! 

My firs time trying oysters.. masked it with lots of tobassco and thousand island but i just could swallow it. While the sauce was delicious , t was so soft and slimy and it just felt like i was eating someone's eyeballs. ERRMAH GAD

After the heavy amount of seafood, we finally moved on to the other counters.
More prawns

Crabs, kuih pie tee, fish, chicken, everything just throw on a plate since I just wanted to try everything

There was also a japanese food section which I had some soba noodles with sushi. 
There was also a variety of sashimi, and it was very fresh I heard ! 

Over at the teppanyaki table, i also tried a small bowl of miso soup which was nothing worth mentioning, but the garlic rice was awesome, I would have eaten more if not for the fact that it is a waste of stomach space to eat rice at a buffet. The black pepper fish was so tasty too!! 

Sorry, by now you can say my pictures are already very half hearted, and I couldn't even wait for the picture to be taken. I just wanted to dig in!!! I was so excited when I saw briyani and papadum you have no idea. But I only took a small serving for taste, since, you know.. again it's not very wise to eat papadum at an international buffet. 

And then.. I saw pumpkin soup and i was so excited wah. I love pumpkin soup it's my favourite out of all cream soups. It is soooooo goood!! Wish I could dapao this lol. 

Then at 8pm, there would be a performance by the staff. It's really kinda epic because even the chefs come out to do a mini dance to the birthday song. Then the waiters start dishing cupcakes out to the people who are celebrating their birthday.. like my mommy!!!

It's really a blessing to have her as my mom even though she is so naggy. She has shown me unconditional love through the things she does for us. Event hough I don't express my love for us often, nor do I talk to her as much as I would like to, she influences me every day. She is my daily reminder of how strong a woman should be... How noble love can be. And how I'll always be her baby girl, and she will always be protecting me from people or things who can hurt me. I know, she really loves me. I wish her health above fortune, and for my sister and I to be able to give her a life of comfort in future. 

For raising us up and teaching us all the right values.... I love you mommy.

*Abrupt end of emotional speech*
Moving on, there is also a pasta chef who would cook pasta for you on the spot!
There is also chicken rice and duck and so paella and soooooo many other dishes I can't even try all !

My favourite dessert section!! 
How great can a meal be without a sweet ending? 
Actually i am not a fan of this chocolate fountain thing, but I'm always attracted to it because it looks so pretty and sinful !!! 

The cake section didn't have as much variety as I would like it to have.. like i wasn't overwhelmed by the choices because they were all chocolate cakes, except for one mango mousse and some passion fruit cake. The rest were all chocolate!! But they were great nonetheless. Would prefer some cheesecake or tiramisu you know, more variety.. 

MY FAVOURITE BREAD PUDDING!!! This was like eating a mouthful of clouds.. so nice!!
It makes my heart flutter every time I eat it. I was digging into my cakes half way when i suddenly recalled that I haven't had my bread pudding and yam paste!!

Surprise surprise!! Guess who joined me for dinner!?!?!?

This was just really weird for me because I've never had a dinner with my boyfriend and my family together before. Lol. Of course I envy my cousins who always have their bfs or gfs whenever we go for family dinner but I just think it's so...??? Scary? Like imagine breaking up? It's gonna be so hard.  I'm a very skeptical person and I never liked bringing my boyfriend home, or even to have dinner  together with my immediate family.  I totally dislike the idea because it makes me feel like i'm integrating them too much into my life, and I would be at a complete loss without them. I dislike feeling vulnerable. 
But..... this was nice, special and comfortable. 
The most ironic thing was my sister was the one who asked him to join us for dinner, and she didn't even consult me about it ! Haha. Furthermore my mom kept pestering me to ask him to join.. and i'm like whaaaat... Definitely not because i don't love him enough!! It's just scary how much they like him already. What if my mom likes him more than me?!?! Hahaha kidding.  I hope he stays this precious to me for a long long time. I doubt I've ever treasured anything more than him.

May nothing ever come between us xx

Thank you for joining my family for dinner!! His company was lovely.
We started eating from about 7.30 to 10pm lol.. we sure can eat. 
There was also a cheese section, a salad section, a kebab section and J also had some steak. 
Overall, dinner came up to about $288 for 4 after a 10% credit card promotion.. I think it is very value for money considering the myriad of cuisines there were and how you can have free flow seafood!!
Oh, lastly, there are no corkage charges for the first bottle, so you can bring your own wine woohoo!! 

My day ended perfectly. Great company, happy stomach!

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