Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stateland Cafe // Simple dates

Hello again~~
Finally met up with Christina last Monday ! 
I got to know her through my old part time job and I'm really glad we became friends, because she's such a genuine person and VERY LOUD. Her normal voice is my shouting, I'm seriously !!! Haha.
She is so hyper and very cute, I really grew to like her more and more over the years. 
She is also a friend who would consistently make the effort to meet up!!
This girl's love life is the best out of all the people I know and I think she's gonna be my first friend who will be getting married! I can't wait !!!! 

Anyway, we went to Stateland Cafe at Bali Lane for their highly raved about Red Velvet waffles with cream cheese ( $15) , yum!! They have black forest and smores waffles too. The smores one is topping with chocolate and roasted marshmallows. Sounds so sinful and heavenly. Still haven't had the chance to try Creamier's waffles :(  This was not too bad... But I still prefer Group Therapy's! 

Met up with love on Monday night because Tuesday was Vesak Day, and he didn't have to go for work! We met at Holland V and it was simple and nice. I was totally expecting us to be getting drunk in a club, but instead we met up and had a little dessert date. 

And some beer. And he came over and we drank more and were very merry. 
We were just playing games and drinking and it felt like when we first met. :)  It was nice! 
We watched some show till 7am and fell asleep. Waking up to him is the most perfect view I always say. I've never seen anyone who sleeps in a more poised manner. His face is so relaxed and at peace. 
I've never seen him with his face smashed against the pillow or mouth wide open with saliva dripping down or legs sprawling every where in any awkward angle. 
Okay better stop here before I start sounding like a creep.

Went over to his place the next day to watch more shows and we cooked dinner together :)
We made a fusilli carbonara with roasted chicken. It's my first time cooking carbonara. But we cheated with ready made sauce, so not that much of cooking. But we did improvise and added more butter, milk and egg. It was not bad ley!!! 

I wouldn't mind eating this again to be honest.

While we were watching show, we just kept doing same actions, totally unplanned. We are very similar but also quite different. He suddenly said we can interlock our toes.
I thought he was so cute. 

Also, what i've been doing during my holidays:
Meeting up with my friends for mahjong. Very happy too because Felissa has been joining us.
Felissa is an olddd friend of ours. We were in the same clique in secondary school but gradually drifted because she was and is now still very absorbed in her hockey world. But i'm glad we all have common activities now again wheee, which is dry swimming wahaha. 

 i've also started giving tuition to this little one. She's really cute. I quite like teaching her!! 

Ending off with a selfie, till the next time! Goodnight! 

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