Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Capella Staycation // J's birthday surprise II // Skirt @ W Hotel

Part II

We also saw some peacocks roaming around the place!
Something about seeing these creatures that makes you feel really close to nature doesn't it? 

So after the swim, we went back and got ready for dinner! 
I love him so much. We really drive each other nuts at times but i know the love we have for each other is way larger than what we expected. 

I made a reservation at Skirt  @ W Hotel . This was the place I wanted to bring him last year cos W hotel was the "in" thing then and it was one of the better steak house in Singapore. lol. But the sweetheart didn't want to go to a steak place because he knows i don't eat steak. Since we were at Sentosa this year (again. hehe i love sentosa) I decided to bring him here!

The decor of this place was so luxe! It was kinda dim when we were there, so i got this picture online!

I requested for a nice seat to celebrate J's birthday. They were very kind and acceded to my request. We were totally thrown one side lol. Which I have no complaints about, because it was just us in our own world, and I love it. 

Die die wanna selfie even though lighting sucks lol

The service was also very good!! We had a hard time deciding which wine to get, so the lady server very kindly offered us sampling portions!! If you are an SPG member, you get 25% off the wines when you order 3 or more glasses! 

What better than bread is free bread wahaha. I was delighted to chew on this fluffy bread which remain crusty on the outside throughout our dinner. It was delicious and so soft inside. 

Some concoction  to cleanse your palette before you attack your mains ! 
And BBQ sauce on the right. 

He had some steak, I can't remember what, but he had it because it was stated that this is exclusive to Skirt only. And the chef also recommended it. ( Speaking of which, if you can't decide what kind of steak you would like to have,  feel free to talk to the chef !! They will personally explain to you each type and cut of the meat and recommend it to you based on your preference! ) J thought this was alright, nothing mind blowing. He would have liked it better if it came served with brown sauce or something. 

I tried a small piece, I don't take steak much so I can't say what makes a good steak, but I thought it was delicious?
This is the first steak i've tried that has the smokey grilled taste in the meat.
I quite like it!

I had half a roasted chicken. This was quite funny. Because J was saying I confirm cannot finish and I was telling him I don't think it's really half a chicken la. Probably those super market kind of tiny chicken but half of it. Then he was like " yah probably" But when it arrived we both just giggled because we were both expecting too much hahhaha. He was like " This is half a pigeon la"
If you compare it to the baby carrots you can imagine how small the serving is. But I was happy I wasn't given anything larger because I was already super full. This was cooked in a butter and red wine sauce, very delicious! 

We also had mussels to share. Our love for mussels... I was never such a mussel fan till I met him. 
In fact, in the past in you ask me, I probably would never suggest mussels for dinner, but after meeting him, I would even google for best mussel places in Singapore! 
The mussels were cooked in a cream sauce, but the spring onion and ginger made it taste kinda Asian.
We thought this was a nice change to the cream sauce we usually have.
This was served with toasted bread, which was so yummy too. J said we were both full on their breads haha.

We were also pleasantly surprised when they served us a cake. ( haha sorry i just keep thinking it's my birthday lol ) The cake was so creamy fudgy and smooth omg.. I love this kind of chocolate cakes. 
J commented that the Happy Birthday wordings looked kinda spooky. Like some Halloween wording. HAHA. I couldn't unsee it. This boy is damn nonsensical. 

After dinner I lied to him that I had stomachache and I needed to go back to the hotel to shit. But actually we came back to the hotel for this!!!!


I also baked him a red velvet cake as part of his present !! I spent my entire week while he was at reservice going to buy the boxes and baking ingredients. I think his re-service was a blessing in disguise for me if not WHERE GOT TIME!! The last time I baked a birthday cake for someone was like 3 years ago and it was a flop because  I didn't want to use cream to decorate it ( and i was right because this time no one other than my bf touched the cream haha. see, this is why i love him so much. ) I will upload the process of making it another day !! 

Keith and Cheryl

Josh and his baby brother Josiah, and his girlfriend, Tessa

Josh and his childhood friends. They stayed to watch soccer and I was entertained like mad through out hahahaha. T_T They are super comical. Jerome, Tsu Ern and Bo Ren. 

Josh's army friends

Josh's clubbing friends turned friends haha.

And I was so surprised Hanwei came!!! There's just something about us that we will never ever fall out no matter what. I want us to be best friends even when I'm 70 haha. 

The pic quality super sucks so sad but it was a memorable night I hope.

Cupcakes from High Society that Cheryl and Keith bought 

And a free cake from Capella. This was really funny. I was supposed to send the cake over to Tsu Ern's place the day before because I wanted to check in together with Josh and I couldn't be seen carrying the cake! But Tsu Ern said there was no space in his fridge for the cake because the cake box was huge! 
I then came to check in earlier on my own and told them a Mr Lim will come over after wards to pick up the key and when he calls, can they then send up this cake. They said sure of course.

So they all snuck in to the room while Josh and I were having our dinner! And when I told Tsu ern to get ready cos we were coming back, he called the hotel and asked them to send the cake up, but they sent a free cake up instead. When I came into the room. I straight away asked Tsu Ern " where's my cake?" And he some more pointed at the small chocolate cake. It's funny because I already told Tsu Ern the cake is blue and it's quite big but it just didn't occur to him at all. And plus can you imagine, the hotel must have thought we were shameless to "demand" for a cake. :/
So this boy ended up with 3 cakes. I've never had so much cake in my life lor. 

This cake was super yumms also omg. 

We called room service while watching soccer.
They also taught me how to play poker? It's actually kind of easy? And it's fun ley!! I don't know why I didn't get it no matter how many times people tried to teach me last time. haha. 
The truffle fries was so yumms. LOVE IT. Can fight with ps cafe. 

Woke up the next day feeling super reluctant to leave even though we only checked out at 3pm. 
I asked J if we could go to The Library again lol. Was so happy he agreed because he had work that day!! He even initiated to bring me out for a cafe date after, but I was so satisfied already, I told him he didn't have to. I was so happy when he wanted to bring me to a cafe. ^^ All our cafe dates always go very well. Sho happy ! ^^

We went to have lunch at my fav chinese restaurant, Paradise Dynasty.
Didn't even want to take pictures but J was doing his " don't you want to take a pic?" thing again lol. 

Favourite zha jiang mian ever!!!

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