Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hai Di Lao @ Clark Quay

We were supposed to have dinner at Chicken Up that day but the queue was incredible.
So we went over to hai di lao !
I was very happy because I've been psychoing J to go the entire week.

The both of us got there first, and were ushered to a table to take a seat. 
I already did plenty of research prior to this trip and I was already expecting some garrett popcorns and fruits to munch on while we wait. What I didn't know is that they serve liang teh ( herbal tea) and sour plum beverages. AND what I was the most surprised about is that they serve some dessert, and sweet potato porridge also !! It was so kinda yummy , we all said that we probably won't have stomach for steamboat anymore after eating all these wu-eh-bo-eh ( nonsense food) 

He came over after work to pick me up . so cute. just wanna kiss this face now. 

Two little kids

 only hugging mario like a koala because she says her face is very fat lol

Beef balls

Pork balls

We had the Seafood and Chicken soup. 
Also ordered a prawn paste thingy which was not bad, and please order the noodles!
The noodle chef will personally perform and pull the noodles for you, it's very QQ and yummy!!
Beats the texture of ban mian anytime!
And all these that you see on the table for $160+ for 

Went to Ikea for dinner ( finally) with the secondary school bffs hehe. so love. 

Went over to J's place on Saturday to make dinner!!! Super excited because we were making mussels!!
We are such fans of grilled cheese portobello ever since we had it at 26 tapas bar. lol. It is really so much cheaper to cook things at home.

Cooking the sauce from scratch

Super yummm
Kept telling Josh I wanna open a restaurant. IT was really so yumm.

We went to Fenix after that! Photos taken by Zoe's Casio TR35. Which is really an insane camera which costs 1.2k. Only because it auto beautifies, smoothens and slims yr face lol.  Although the pictus are really nicer, I cannot understand people who would pay this amount for it ma

Josh doesn't even know who this person is lol

His grandma is so cute and she can speak English lol

Happy Midweek you all!!!! 

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