Monday, August 25, 2014

Mambo Beach Club

Went to Mambo Beach Club on Sunday!! 
Camwhoring while waiting for Joshua to pick me up! 

Do I really look very fierce when I don't smile? :/ 

Chronic bitch face. Lol. I blogged about how I can't control my face here 

Us at Sentosa!! Wheeee! 


Xueting! She is damn rich, she is like 26 and bought herself a BMW convertible with her own money lol. What am i doing with my life. She puts me to shame

 Richard and J

With Jacqueline!!! Rare appearance that day this girl is always so busy! Haven't seen her in months!

drunk birthday girl Angelynn

 Jermine and Stephy!! Like them a lot! Life would have been so much easier if I knew Jermine when she was still in SMU haha. i'm quite glad to have met them because they are really nice people!! 

Dunking Angelyn into the pool omg.

The birthday cake was super nice T_T Some mango sponge cake which was so good!
When I have my own home next time i will ensure there is always cake in the fridge.
Eh. Come to think of it.... I didn't have a birthday cake this year so sad T_T

Lub chew. 

She's obsessed with her knitting. The other day we went Sonar the both of us were knitting lol. She's my tu di. (disciple) 

 It was quite fun ley!!! 

We stayed there till 7plus and i dont know how we ended up having dinner only at 9? 
We had mookata for dinner at Sophia Road. ( Food court below Club nine) and it was only $15 per pax so cheap!!!! Mookata craving satisfied. Whee. So happy.

Would definitely recommend this place if you are looking for a place to chillax on a Sunday ! I heard Tanjong Beach Club is always full, there wasn't much people that day at Mambo which was awesome!

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