Monday, August 25, 2014

Marmalade Pantry

Went for a shoot last Friday, and i love ALL their clothes. Haha, really makes me want to open a blog shop too... lol. So fun to go shopping as part of your work. But of course a lot of hard work has to be put in plus it really isn't easy since the market is so saturated already.  But sometimes doing what you enjoy doing is equally important isn't it? 

Had two tuitions right after I was so tired! Met J for dinner at Marmalade Panty @ Ion ! I have no freaking idea why I ordered the grilled salmon. I think I was trying to go for something healthier and less sinful because I felt so fat the entire day. This was as unappetizing as it looks . Not nice one. Sadded. 

J's carbonara was so delicious. T_T  I would have ordered the pasta sobx. i love pasta. 
Look at that glorious yolk omg.

Slurps please. i wanna have it now

The boy had already gotten us movie tickets before I met him. Sho sweet , love him. 
We caught Lucy.. which I was so damn excited to watch it. Then in the end.... gua gua~~~~~
It's so lame? the trailer was freaking awesome... but the entire show was so crappy lol.  Sigh. 
He kept rushing me when I was buying bubble tea because he thought we were late. But turned out we were twenty mins early lol so we went to play arcade. Hehehe. It is always fun with him.

The next day I went over to his place to find him and we headed to FEP, and had chickedee rice for dinner.
Yummmmmmm. Hehehe. I'm not a chicken rice fan, but the one here at FEP level 5 is pretty good! He introduced me to the salted veggie duck soup which was so salty it's shiok hehe. 

Simple and delicious fare with the lover boy! I went home after that because he had meeting, and we met again to shisha at about 1am HAHAH. Lol. If Josh can give me an English name, he would change" Allie" to " Sticky". Haha ok bye!! 

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