Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sunday Folks // New Udon Mookata// Birthday Eve

Was craving for waffles and ice cream the entire Sunday!!
Texted a few of my kakis, but only Melissa was up for it and within 5 mins I got ready to meet her!! 
I was so excited to eat my waffles !!!

When we reached, the queue was all the way to the door. We didn't know if we should join the queue or head over to The Daily Scoop but the aroma of the waffles filled the entire shop and smelt so promising.. We just had to have it heehee. 

They have cakes too!

We tried the chiffon matcha cake which was nothing special at all. Even though it was very light, it's still not quite worth the $7.90.

And of course, the waffles!!!! YUMMMM!! The soft serve came in many flavours, we had the earl grey lavender and it was sooo good!!! Definitely a crowd pleaser with the ladies. Oh, I also came over to Sunday Folks with high expectations upon discovering that it is a sister branch of Creamier! 

with merlser

I haven't gone to Creamier because it is so far and closes so early! So when I found out that Sunday Folks is located at Chip Bee Garden, I'm like MUST GOOOOO!!!!!
Delish de T_T Feel like having some now.

After that , I met up with J and Tsu Ern to watch Ninja Turtles!!! It's quite lame lor. Honestly don't think anyone will watch it if Megan Fox wasn't starring in it. I need  some mind blowing shows like Edge of Tomorrow or Inception those kind. Wahhh mind fuck. Damn shiok. 

Anyway we went over to Geylang for supper at 126! :)
It was my first time there. and Tsu Ern kept saying that 126 beats Swee Choon any day. People always compare between these two, ( I call it the battle of the dim sum suppers ) and my answer is always " I don't know, I haven't tried 126" so I couldn't wait to find out for myself!!!

Woah I was so amazed flipping through their menu. I mean? Woah? They have more than 10 pages of menu and sweechoon only has one double sided menu ok. Can you imagine how wide is the selection of dim sum here?? I am totally coming back again because I wasn't able to try all that day!
Like they have Sharks Fin dumpling? Omg. Think XLB but sharks fin soup inside. Sounds amazing. 
We had the scallop siew mai and it's hen hao chi~~ oishi~~~~ !!! 
I love scallops ^_^

Anyway I saw this on the menu so prompted J to order it because he has this frog craving, and it's my first time seeing deep fried frogs ! I knew he would like it! We got it in the end and J nearly polished the entire plate off himself haha. The chilli was dope.

We also had a minced meat porridge. I was quite puzzled to see all the minced meat as "toppings" for the porridge instead of it being cooked with the porridge if you know what i mean. Quite meh on its own, but when you mix it with soya sauce and pepper it's super potent!!

Some of the other dishes we had, couldn't wait for all to arrive to dig in!! Ohh if you are there, a MUST ORDER for me would be the prawn cheong fun! It's soo good. *drools*

The next day, Felicia whatsapped me when I was being a couch potato. Haha.
Was totally prepared to spend the entire day at home already, but she asked me out for dinner whee. We arranged with Hanwei, and I said I wanted to try Mookata for dinner, so Hanwei told us she would bring us to this awesome place.It was both Felicia and my first time trying Mookata. So excited!!
So many firsts! 

When we met, Fer came waving at me with this balloon, haha. Lol. She knows i'm not a balloon person but she still bought it for me so that everyone knows it is my bday haha. Yay to the first balloon in my life!

We had dinner at New Udon Mookata. It was really yummy. First time trying grilled golden mushrooms, yummmers. Even a non meat lover like me enjoyed my dinner. We even ordered an additional plate of meat. Very tasty!

I looked so retarded hahah probably half drunk. Thank you precious two for the dinner treat!

End product

Felicia also bought me these cupcakes from High Society. Love her to bits, forever so sweet.

They accompanied me to slack outside while waiting for J to pick me up!

After J picked me up, we went to Shisha! He told me he needed to go to the toilet. So you know i was just smoking and lepaking~ Then when he came back he opened the door with a grin plastered on his face and still tried to hide the present behind him. He checked his phone and passed this to me and said " Happy Birthday!" I was so surprised ? OMGGG!!!

He bought me a pink YSL clutch omg. T_T
So expensive... I wasn't expecting to lay my hands on it till 1 year later at least. 
He went to buy this on the day we went to watch Ninja Turtles. That sneakkkkkyyy boy. 
Aiyo... I felt so bad that he spent so much on my birthday.
Super touched. He asked me if I was happy nd of course I said yes and he just sayang my head and said he just wants me to be happy. OMG??? 
My heart.... T_T
So happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:') happy for you!!!!